Behind The Candles

Who We Are Behind The Candles

The Legendary Candle Company was founded as Designs in Wax in 1989. We later changed our image and became what we are now. As members of our staff are the building blocks to our success we are highlighting them here so you can get to know each of them a little bit better behind the candles.

Rebecca Hurst

(Coming Soon)


Aaron Long-Jordan

(Coming Soon)


Michael Conner

Marketing Lead and Wearer of Many Hats

As one of the newest members of the staff I am constantly trying to push harder and do better in an attempt to be the best. While i was in the Army i was a communications technician but that does not actually provide much help to what i do here. I provide most of the content you will read or see on the site as well as many other duties. Since i am new and my skill set is rather broad I provide other services such as form creation, general labor, sales, wholesale sales assistance, SEO, and a plethora of others as well. As a Marketing Lead I am also directly involved in the brainstorming, preparation and implementation of all of the promotions we offer. Like most of our staff, you can also find me at our shows on the sales floor or carving stand. Don’t forget to say hi!

My Mission

I strive to provide constant content and promotional material. So it is my mission to make sure that no matter when you log into the site there is a deal waiting for you. Because i value my money (like most people) i believe it is important to always have one way or another for people to save on the things they enjoy.